
  1. GitHubVasily Zorin — founder, maintainer, active core developer
  2. GitHubRuslan Osmanov — maintainer of related PHP extensions: pecl-event and pecl-eio.
    His invaluable contribution enabled to get rid of old nasty libevent 1.x code
  3. GitHubAlexey Sharov — a lot of core bugfixes, phpdoc comments.
  4. GitHubDenis "TyShkan" — new maintainer of Asterisk PBX client
  5. GitHubMikhail Semakhin — contributions to core HTTPRequest class
  6. GitHubEugene Tuboltsev — various contributions incl. refactoring for namespaces
  7. GitHub"nehxby" — contributions to Asterisk client


  1. GitHubDmitry Efimenko — Main writer
  2. GitHubJames Crow — English proofreading

We need more contributors.

Building packages

  1. GitHubDmitry "Polaz" Prudnikov — maintainer of Fedora/CentOS packages

Thank JetBrains, Inc. for granting us a TeamCity Open Source license.

Quality of code and testing

  1. GitHubVasily Zorin — keeping an eye on Code Analysis tools.

Thank JetBrains, Inc. for granting us a PhpStorm Open Source license. We use it for code analysis.


  1. Vladimir Samin — HTML5/CSS markup
  2. Pavel Bagro — design, graphics and UI
  3. GitHubIvan Vasilkov — markup and design enhancements
  4. GitHubJames Crow — English proofreading
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